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Apex 4240 Stage

This mid-size stage is perfect for those mid-tier events! Amazing maneuverability of a 42' stage that offers dual-stage positioning and unobstructed load in/out footpath

4240 Stage

The APEX 4240 boasts a seamless 40-foot span between corner support towers, eliminating the need to assemble unconventional truss lengths for this mobile stage.

Providing a generous 16-foot space between masts and corner towers, the APEX 4240 ensures an unobstructed pathway for load-in/out activities. Its traditional engagement via a semi-trailer configuration offers unparalleled maneuverability for a 40-foot mobile stage. The upstage and downstage roof beams significantly surpass load ratings compared to other portable stages of similar size available in the market. Additionally, with symmetrical dual-stage positioning, either side can serve as the front, providing versatile stage placement options.


Additional Details

  • Dimensions: 42’ x 40’

  • Load capacity (fly bays): 6,000 lbs each

  • Towing requirement: Semi Diesel Tractor

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